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Vole Eradication

Hogarth’s Wildlife Removal specializes in Vole eradication.

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Hogarth's Pest Control specializes in all types of industries, residential and commercial.

There are several different types of voles in our Northern Michigan region. People often confuse them with mice and moles. Voles are dark brown or black with grey or silver on the surface. They have small, round ears that hide behind fur.

The vole is capable of mating year-round and can produce offspring up to 17 times a year. On average, they have six young in their litter. Their home range is typically about ¼ acre of land with a single burrow system with several young and adults. They continuously groom these trails and leave grass cuttings along the way. They can be active at any time of the day, albeit they are most active at dusk and dawn.

Voles are herbivores, meaning their diet is entirely plant-based, including foods such as tubers, tree needles, seeds, bark; as well as various green vegetation such as grass and clover, and insects. Voles prefer not to feed in the open, and they are very capable of finding available food year-round.  They feed on sprouting plants in the spring, seeds and tips in the summer/fall, moving on to roots in the winter—all of which can cause damage to your landscaping and trees. Voles will also gnaw the bark of fruit bearing trees. They also cause extensive damage to tree roots, which can eventually kill the trees.


  • In addition to fencing and traps, buffers of gravel can help your protect gardens against a vole infestation.
  • Remove heavy mulch, weeds, and other dense vegetative covers around your home. These environments are ideal for providing voles food and protection from predators.
  • Mowing, spraying with herbicides, or tilling grassy areas adjacent to gardens will help prevent an infestation.

Contracting a pest control technician to place professional products in your yard is the best way to eliminate voles and other rodents from damaging shrubs and other greenery. If you have found evidence of these pests around your home, do not hesitate to give us a call.

What do they look like?