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Woodpecker Removal

Hogarth’s Wildlife Removal specializes in Woodpecker eradication.

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Woodpeckers are birds that get their name from routinely pecking wood for food, shelter, and attracting mates. They exist on every continent besides Australia and New Zealand, as well as the extreme polar regions. There are three main types of woodpeckers homeowners have trouble in our great state: the Pileated, hairy, and downy. In some cases, however, the Northern Flicker woodpecker can also be an issue.

Pileated Woodpecker

Male and female Pileated woodpeckers look quite alike, both having a flaming red crest, but the males have a red “mustache”. There is no real consensus on whether or not this bird’s name is pronounced “pie-lee-ated” or “pill-ee-ated.”

Hairy Woodpecker

At about 9 inches tall, these medium-size woodpeckers look quite similar to their smaller downy woodpecker cousins. They aren’t as common at suburban birdfeeders.

Downy Woodpecker

Called downy because of the soft feathers on its back, these birds are North America’s smallest woodpecker and the most frequent year-round visitor to backyard bird feeders They have a white belly/back and their black wings are adorned with white bars. The males have a trademark red patch on the occiput of the skull.

Northern Flicker

Unlike most woodpeckers, this birds of this species spends much of their time on the ground, feeding mostly on ants. Both the male and females have a red chevron on the back of their heads, black bibs, speckled chest, and a brown barred back and wings. The males have a black “mustache.”

All of these birds are infamous for drilling holes into homes around Northern Michigan. These birds pose a problem for log cabins, cedar sided homes, and T-11 sided homes. Over time it can become extremely costly to repair holes created by woodpeckers regularly. The woodpecker’s skull can absorb shock and minimize the damage caused by constant pecking. Woodpeckers protected federally by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. This means that they are illegal to maim or kill. Depending upon the situation, special permits can be granted by your local DNR office to control them, though in most cases, prevention is the best method.

The most effective way to deter these birds from pecking on your home is to hang visual deterrents, such as mylar flash tape. An exterior home spray to get rid of the bird’s food source is a good suggestion toward preventing more from coming. Most woodpecker damage typically occurs from February to June. In the event of an issue, it is beneficial to set up a maintenance program to inspect the home regularly.

At Hogarth’s, we specialize in woodpecker eradication. We will work with you on a program that best suits your needs. Give us a call today if woodpeckers are causing you grief!

What do they look like?